
Devs need to stop being such pampered whiners

The 37signals people are smart and have a lot of interesting ideas to make software development better.

The "Boycott A Meeting" movement, however, is bullshit and idiotic groupthink at its worst.

Bad, pointless meetings are bad and pointless and should be avoided.

Gatherings where people discuss features, ideas, implementations, etc. with a clear agenda at the beginning ("let's decide how to build X") and actionable outcomes ("you do this and that, I do this and that, we'll use technology A and B, and will have a prototype out by next Friday") are one of the best ways to foster good ideas, code quality, camaraderie, and productivity.

It's hip to be a contrarian and spout off against-the-grain blanket generalizations as facts, but when your blanket statements are complete bullshit, you lose a lot of your credibility and just come off as an arrogant opinionated mollycoddled sniveling little whiner. Being a self-centered opinionated impatient whining bratty know-it-all is not a requirement for cranking out lots of high-quality software.

1 comment:

  1. Anything establishment is bad. Walls, meetings, multiple gears on a bicycle.
