
Recruiter isn't even trying anymore

I got this InMain on LinkedIn today.

March 25, 2015, 1:33 PM
Dear Roger,
Trust this finds you in good health!! I wanted to share a Back End Engineer role with you with one of my direct clients , its a long term contract and location is Mountain View, CA. Here is the short story:

The candidate should be able to quickly adapt to different environment/framework as the project needs.
These are minimum required skills.
Open source backend stack
Web backend frameworks in Java OR C#, OR Python OR Ruby, etc.
Database design and maintenance using SQL and/or NoSQL
Let me know if you think that this would be a fit as per your skills and expertise, if no, maybe you can refer someone !!
  • Nothing about the company (industry? size? age? product?)
  • The technology stack is essentially "whatever" (but open source! Including C#!)
  • The data stack is essentially "whatever"
  • The role is web AND database design AND dba
I LOL'ed heartily as I marked the InMail as spam.

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